February 23-24, 2024 / 15 Adar I 5784
Ezekiel 43:10-27
Purim Katan is celebrated on Friday, February 23. Shushan Purim Katan is celebrated on Shabbat, February 24.
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The Tuition Game-Changer in New Jersey
Teach NJ
Over 1,000 members of New Jersey’s Jewish community turned out this week for a series of town halls about a game-changing tax-credit scholarship bill that would help provide tuition relief for families across the state. From Cherry Hill to Bergen County, people came to show support and learn from Teach NJ staff and advocates about what they can do to help create change and get this critical legislation passed.
From the Jungles of Peru to the Fishing Boats of Norway
OU Kosher
NEW SERIES: Do you ever wonder what mashgichim do? Behind the OU symbol you know and trust, 850+ devoted mashgichim work around the clock – and around the globe – to ensure that your products are 100% kosher. Watch our new series, Meet the Mashgiach, to learn more about their tireless efforts on behalf of our community.
JDAIM: An Annual Reminder to Step Back
Yachad New York Director Rebecca Mayer weighs in on Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month and how it serves as an annual reminder to make communal spaces more inclusive.
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How to Raise Children Who Enjoy a Healthy Lifestyle
What does spirituality have to do with a healthy relationship with food? How did Bracha Goetz, the author of over 40 children’s books, discover the answer through her own journey with an eating disorder? Watch The Jews Next Dor podcast this week for the answers to these questions and more.
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Memory Motivation Series
In this four-session class, Rina Yudkowsky, LMSW, presents a tip for different memory issues and a brain exercise during each session. The class began on February 7. Registration is still open and recordings of the past sessions are available.
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The JDAIM Challenge
Yachad has launched the “The JDAIM Challenge,” a campaign celebrating Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month (JDAIM), which takes place in February. Each day, Yachad will highlight tips and strategies for shaping a more inclusive world.
Check Out the Calendar
OU SPIRIT Unity Mission to Israel
March 10-14
Visit Sderot, meet with bereaved grandparents, evacuees, and miluim families, barbecue with soldiers, participate in volunteer projects and visit the Kotel. Activities and schedule will be geared to the SPIRIT 60+ demographic.
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March 11
On March 11, New York – New Jersey NCSY will come together for an “Evening of Strength” celebrating the resilience of our teens with the community, and honoring three incredible couples that have shown unparalleled strength and commitment to the Jewish people.
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Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Wearing Our Emotions on Our Sleeves
Two of the priestly garments of the Kohein Gadol were adorned with the name of God: it was engraved prominently on the tzitz, the gold frontlet that adorned his forehead, and it was also hidden within the folds of the choshen, the breastplate.
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Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
The Significance of Sacrifice
Understanding the ancient rituals of animal sacrifices can be a struggle in our modern world. How do we capture the value and messages of the korbanot for ourselves today?
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Rabbi Menachem Genack
Atoning for the Sound of Murder
The Yerushalmi states that the sound of the Kohen Gadol’s garments atone for “the sound of murder.” To what does this refer and how do the garments atone for it?
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Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
An Absentee Role
Even Moshe, the greatest leader our people has known, must at times step aside, to allow others to shine.
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Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Death and Mourning
More real reader Q&As, including: Do philanthropists live forever? Do the righteous decompose? And why don’t we take things from a shiva house?
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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
Leadership Means Making Space
Tetzaveh is the one parsha in which Moses takes second place. In fact, he is not mentioned by name at all, and all the focus is on his brother, Aaron, and on the role he came to occupy and personify, that of Kohen Gadol.
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Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
The Stigma of Fame
People are motivated by many things. The search for pleasure is certainly one of the great motivators of human beings. So are the search for power and the search for riches.
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Mrs. Liat Mayerfeld
Rachel – Silence Echoes Beyond Words
The words we use can have an enormous impact on our own futures and the realities of others. More than speech, silence in key points in time can influence our families and the course of history.
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Steven Genack
Approaching the Mediterranean Diet
As February is American Heart Month and National Self-Check Month, we explore a diet that can help prevent disease and bolster function for the heart, brain and digestive system.
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Featured Books
OU Press
The Taryag Companion
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz’s The Taryag Companion includes thorough and incisive explanations of all 613 mitzvos (according to the list of Maimonides) in a surprisingly readable fashion.
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OU Press
Shalom Rav Set
Shalom Rav is a compilation of Rabbi Shalom Rosner’s inspiring and thought-provoking ideas on the weekly parasha, selected and adapted by Marc Lesnick.
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